Break Free From Your Disempowering Narrative

empowerment leadership mindset personaldevelopment Jul 24, 2020

What would your life look like if you put your excuses aside and started diligently doing the work?


Yeah…I said it…EXCUSES!


Wait…Roz…You Don’t Understand!!!


I’m overwhelmed

I have health challenges

I am laid off because of COVID-19 and I don’t have any money

I don’t have a website

I’m not good at techie stuff

I don’t have enough time to do everything that needs to be done




I’ve heard all of these and then some.


It all comes down to choices.


We get to choose what is important to us and how we prioritize our time.


What I know is that so many of you in my Tribe have big, bold, beautiful dreams.


I also know that many of you are stuck in your story.


Allow me to share an epic win from one of the members of our GameChangers Tribe who just launched her podcast:


Now that the podcast is launched....Shoutout to Roz Clark and her Destiny Gamechangers group for transformational strategies.


When she added me to the group months ago, I was in the middle of the darkest and lowest point of my depression… And I had all of these ideas and goals for myself and no energy to execute any them… I needed help…ļæ¼And she really put the fire under my ass that I needed. Love this queen.


~Frenchie Davis


While Frenchie credits me for bringing the fire…I celebrate her for seeking help, getting up, and doing the work!


Now she will use her voice to speak to her Tribe about matters that are important to her and to them.


It all comes down to choices.


My favorite line from Dreamgirls is: “Effie…we all got pain!”


You get to choose….


Will you continue to set your emotional thermostat to your default setting of fear, doubt, procrastination, anger, overwhelm…and continue to give yourself permission to remain stuck in your story?




Will you take your power back and reclaim your time and


  1. Stop using social media in ways that don’t benefit you, build your brand, or grow your business.
  2. Stop self-medicating with your drug/behavior of choice i.e. sex, food, crying, arguing, sleeping, perfectionism…name your personal poison.
  3. Stop blaming life and others and take ownership and responsibility for the outcomes of your choices.


I truly believe that our dreams are the roadmap to our destiny.


You are not here by accident. You can live the life that you are longing for.


My courses and strategies do work…but only if you do the work.


This blog is a forum and opportunity to engage with like-minded people and a place where you can get the answers and encouragement that you need to move forward.


Start using this wonderful resource right now!!!


  1. Begin by leaving a comment celebrating Frenchie on launching her new podcast!
  2. Post one thing that you are willing to commit to doing to actualize your dream.
  3. Comment and acknowledge what your fellow members post.


It has been scientifically proven that learning and success happen more quickly in group settings.


Many of you have access to my courses…use them.


If you haven’t already, download my 21-Day Mindset Reset Program and Workbook.


There is a ton of my content available on various platforms…consume the content.


You have something inside of you that no one else has…give birth to that which you are called to do and be.


It’s all up to you.


Nothing will change unless you do.


Start with downloading the 21-Day Mindset Reset Program!


I’m rooting for you!!!

