I Am Who I Say I Am
Feb 04, 2021
As I walked down the stairs from the church nursery trying to balance a diaper bag and my fussy 16-month-old son while trying to hold the hand of my talkative 3-year-old daughter she tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a piece of paper and said something that would change my life forever…
“If you ever need me, call me, and you will find me to be who I say I am.”
That is how I met Geraldine Hayes…Aunt Jerry as she has become to my family.
I was new to Los Angeles after having moved clear across the country with two small children to support my then husband’s career with no family and my baby boy having seizures and being transported to the hospital via ambulance every other week.
Without knowing me at all Aunt Jerry saw a part of her younger self in me. She told me, “I know what it is like to be new to a city with small children and no family or support.”
I did call her and she has been an anchor in my life and the life of my children ever since.
She has sat next to my son in pediatric intensive care wards grading papers (she was a middle school teacher at the time) to give me a respite.
She has driven my daughter to dance classes and rehearsal and attended many a dance recital with my family.
She volunteered and supported the non-profit that I founded.
And when I divorced my husband after 30 years she traveled to Northern California where I am now living to stay in my new home and supervise my son’s caregivers while I took a much needed and much-deserved trip to Europe.
Every time that I called her she was true to her word…
I always found Jerry to be who she said she was.
I have always endeavored to live by her model of consistency and dependability.
It is how I built a top-notch performing arts nonprofit that has seen our artists go on to star on Broadway, television, and international tours.
It is how, as a Transformational Strategies Coach, I am able to help clients to move past fear and self-doubt to build and scale their business and live a life filled with joy, vibrancy, and purpose.
When you build on a solid foundation the possibilities are endless.
A foundation of integrity and dependability will sustain you through challenging times and allow you to come out better on the other side.
You have to know who you are and know what you stand for to create a level of certainty that says “I know I can face and figure out any challenge.”
I have spent years studying with the top experts in personal development, psychology, and neuroplasticity.
In my courses and coaching, I teach my clients how to master the mindset and productivity habits of the world’s most remarkable people.
My prescription for consistent sustainable success is…
Daily Practices + Mapping + Time Blocking = Increased Productivity/Revenue
I will share more about each of these in future blogs.
In the meantime…take a basic yet meaningful first step towards greater focus and clarity.
Always let it be said of you…I find them to be who they say they are.
Think Big ~ Dream Even BIGGER!!!
If you haven’t already, download my 21-Day Mindset Reset Course and Workbook