If Not Now When???

#2020 #conquering fear with faith #courage #destiny Oct 08, 2020

What you do in the next 90 days could literally impact the rest of your life.

While these are uncertain times, there is a way for you to create more certainty in
your life. This is not the time to stand back and “wait and see” what happens.

Now is the time for you to take action and begin to create the life that you’ve
been longing for.

When I finally left a toxic and dysfunctional marriage after 30 years I made the decision that I was “the master of my fate…the captain of my soul.”

  • It didn’t matter that I had to leave sooner than I had planned for safety’s sake
  • It didn’t matter that I was homeless for 3 months
  • It didn’t matter that people who I had loved and supported turned their
    backs on me

What mattered was that I could clearly envision what my best life looked like and I set course to make it happen for me as I had helped make it happen for so many others.

What does your best life look like?

The life that you daydream about…that makes you sigh and shake your head in
those unguarded moments…that’s the life that you are meant to live.

Stop waiting to see what happens “to you” and embrace the freedom to live your
truth on your terms.

Life is happening “for you”

People succeed in both the best of times and in the worst of times. It all comes down
to one basic thing…MINDSET.

In the most challenging time in my life, I made the CHOICE to succeed!

  • I chose to hold on to my belief that life was happening for me, rather than to
    me no matter what the circumstances looked like.
  • I chose to believe that I could figure it out no matter what challenge I faced
  • I chose to trust my inner voice and boldly live into my higher calling.

A year later I was celebrating my birth and my rebirth in Paris, France.

I gave myself the “I’ll make it up to you” gift that never came.

Paris was a touchstone for me…you see…I had turned 21 in Paris singing classical

My First-Class Five Star trip back there as a birthday gift to myself was my reminder
that dreams nor callings never die.

And now…I want to help as many people as I can to live their best life!

I want to share the training and tactics that have allowed me to live the life that I
always knew I was destined to live…

A life filled with Joy, Vibrancy, and Purpose!

Your dreams will become your reality when you decide that you MUST create the life that you have been longing for.

It’s for you…let’s get after it!!!

Think Big ~ Dream Even BIGGER!!!


If you haven’t already, download my 21-Day Mindset Reset Course and Workbook.
It’s an absolute GameChanger!!!

Click the link:
