Resolutions Are Total Bullsh*t
Dec 31, 2020
If you are planning on starting the New Year with the same half-ass “things are going to be different this year” flurry of activity with no plan in place…skip it!
It’s not going to work…your life is not going to change…things are not going to be better…unless…
You are truly committed to getting absolute clarity and doing something different.
I know this from years of experience in a relationship that was going nowhere.
Me…ever the planner and communicator would ask my then husband (usually in the midst of yet another end of year financial crisis)…what are your plans for next year.
The answers were always vague and basically the same…
I want to be a better person…get closer to God…be a better husband…make more money…ei…ei…oooohhhh
When I would ask for clarity and details he would blow up and then shut down.
This pattern went on for years until I realized that I was asking the wrong person for answers to questions that he really had no interest in.
The question wasn’t “why won’t he work with me and do what he promised”…the question was “what am I willing to do to create the life that I am longing for?”
And so after fair warning I left.
I owned the ups and downs of starting over from ground zero.
I maintained my joy and reliance through homelessness.
I endured and prevailed through ugly and unnecessary court battles.
I lived into what I knew to be the truth of creating success and sustainable wealth and in just 1 year I did a “victory lap” flying First Class to France to spend 10 days in Paris and on the French Riviera.
While I am always open to infinite possibilities…this is what I know to be absolutely true…
Dreams will remain just that until you create a replicable system for success.
It’s not about the latest hack, fad, diet, or platform when it comes to achieving and sustaining growth…and it is certainly not about the myth that we call “will power.”
It is the art and science of reinforcing daily practices that prime your mind and body for success and then implementing a proven success mapping system.
That is how I went from homeless to First Class in a year.
It is also why I only work with clients who are truly committed to doing what it takes to make their dreams their reality.
I’ve worked and study with the top names in the industry and I don’t begrudge them their “Hero’s Journey” because it became the roadmap for my own.
As Les Brown always says, “Success leaves clues.”
I’ve been able to apply my 30 years of coaching performing artists to achieve staring roles and international careers into a system for success that works for anyone who is looking to get more out of life.
It is the perfect alchemy of Mindset Mastery and Creating A Roadmap For Success.
There is nothing more rewarding that seeing a student post on their social media how working with me has changed their life.
Don’t waste another moment on New Year’s Resolutions with no plan or timeline.
Let this be the year that you take ownership of your future and create sustainable success?
Here’s the real deal…if you ask better questions…you’ll get better outcomes.
The question is, are you ready to do something different in order to have something different?
Let me know what your ideal life looks like in 2021.
I’d love to hear what you’ve been dreaming of.
Here’s to your best year EVER!!!